Can I get reimbursed for using Diet ID?

Yes, if you are a Registered Dietitian conducting Medical Nutrition Therapy you can get directly reimbursed for using Diet ID. Read more here.

The benefits of using Diet ID for MNT assessments include:

Time savings: the average assessment takes 15-30 minutes using standard methods, while Diet ID can be done asynchronously and a comprehensive analysis is provided instantly. This allows you to spend more time reviewing results, conducting motivational interviewing, and guiding your patient or client. 

Comprehensive analysis: Diet ID provides a detailed analysis that includes diet quality score, food group intake, and nutrient intake, as well as goal information. Typically this type of analysis using 24-hour recall assessments or other methods would be done manually.

Standardization: Especially if you are working with mulitple providers or working with a large population, Diet ID provides a standard way to rapidly conduct dietary assessments, making it possible to measure efficiacy of programming and prove value over time. 

Disease Management

Many disease management programs require dietary assessments as a part of the program in order to receive full reimbursement. Examples include cardiac rehab, Diabetes Prevention Programs, and bariatric surgery pre-op. Using Diet ID in to conduct a dietary assessment in these settings saves you time and resources as well as provides you robust data pre and post-program to measure efficiacy of your intervention over time. 

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