How can Diet ID be used to support disease management programs or chronic disease prevention or treatment?

Most disease management programs address nutrition because diet quality is often one of the root causes of chronic disease. Diet ID's rapid dietary assessment helps disease management programs quickly establish baseline intake and identify any nutrient deficiencies. Establishing baseline intake is critical for personalizing the experience and improving outcomes.

Diet ID's goal setting helps disease management programs work with patients on improving nutrition within their preference -- whether they are vegetarians, mexincan-style eaters, paleo, or anything in between, we have dozens of high quality styles of eating to choose from, all of which have been mapped to various disease management goals. 

Diet ID's Daily Microchallenges module helps disease management programs fill in the gaps between visits. Because the module engages patients daily with simply actions and educational content, the program can improve retention and efficacy by pairing the standard live sessions with digital support in between. 

Diet ID is not a substitute for clinical oversight and management of a medical condition.  In the case of insulin requiring diabetes, a health professional should provide guidance regarding the timing and distribution of meals in tandem with insulin dosing so that risks of both hyper- and hypoglycemia are minimized.

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