How do Buddies work?

Buddies are other people within your organization who are also working their Challenges. They only see your username, current challenge, success rate, and basic stats. They don't see any check in details. If you want to support your buddies, you can use our 1-tap prompts under each buddy's tile. Buddies are important because we can help each other stay accountable.

Ready to send extra encouragement, kudos, and nudges to your participants? Here's how!

1. Log into Diet ID (the participant link, not the admin portal.)

2. Navigate to the "Buddies" tab:

Or, on your mobile device:

3. You will see your Buddies Leader Board, which shows how your group is doing compared to other groups (for those who have agreed to being part of the same challenge group):

4. Below the Leader Board, you will see rectangle tiles that show each participant's progress. Please CLICK ON THE PURPLE BUTTON for each to send encouragement and nudges!!

5. To send personalized messages to participants directly, click on DASHBOARD and MESSAGES. From there you can search users (by buddy name) to connect with them, or click on an existing conversation to keep it going. (You can also ACCEPT a buddy connection that others may have initiated)

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