Why measure diet quality?

Because diet is a vital sign. We wouldn’t dream of managing hypertension without measuring blood pressure, and the cuff is the best tool for the job. Diet is the most potent predictor of health outcomes, so it needs to be managed. Since we can only manage what we measure, we need a tool that: 1) measures diet quickly and accurately, and 2) manages diet conveniently and effectively.

When it comes to nutrition, what we really need to know is: Is what and how I eat good for me, or can I do better? We all want to enjoy optimal health, and diet is the most important influence on our well-being. Once we understand how good or bad our diet really is (not just what we had for dinner yesterday, but the overall eating pattern), we can get a picture of our true risk of chronic illness. Then, we can set targeted, personalized, realistic goals to improve overall dietary quality, ultimately resulting in improved health outcomes.

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